Aideamix is an acronym for art, idea and mix, which is a place to put contemporary concepts and arts together. It was founded on 17 August 2019 by ceramist Dian Hardiansyah and senior sculptor Syahrizal Koto from Yogyakarta — who wanted to share the current development of contemporary art, especially in Indonesia.
The website will feature the artworks and projects of the two artists, and also review the recent development of contemporary art.
Aideamix also provides Blahblah page –an art forum to discussing the current development of contemporary installation art, sculpture, new media arts, and various art projects.
Young artists nowadays are even more dynamic day after day in creating works of arts. Besides, with …
“Polyphony. Southeast Asia” was opened on the first floor of The Art Museum of Nanjing Art Institute…
The art exhibition that has been held from 30th April 2019 to 2nd May 2019 on the 5th floor of Lanta…